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Kathy Humberstone

Vale of Belvoir Counselling

and Supervision

in the tranquil Vale of Belvoir


Kathy Humberstone

Vale of Belvoir Counselling

and Supervision

for young people & adults of all ages who

live in this rural community & nearby towns


Welcome to Vale of Belvoir Counselling. My name is Kathy Humberstone and I am a private counsellor working from home in the beautiful Vale of Belvoir.


Covid-19 update - I'm now able to work face to face again with clients. I am also able to offer remote counselling sessions via Zoom or telephone,or a mixture of all methods. 


I offer counselling services to children, young people and adults of all ages who live in this rural community and nearby towns,and with counselling students.


Looking for the right counsellor is a daunting process and there are lots of things to consider. I have designed this website to address the questions and concerns that I would have but if there's anything that I haven't covered that is important to you please do not hesitate to telephone or to email me. I am also able to arrange a 30 minute meeting at no cost so that you can get a better feel for my facilities and me.





"I believe that a different therapy must be constructed for each client because each has a unique story".

Irvin D Yalam


"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I change".

Carl Rogers, On Becoming a Person: a therapist's view of psychotherapy






my approach

I believe that humans like to be connected with each other. I think you can see this when crowds come together at football matches, concerts and festivals or in church for example. Being in a crowd of like minded people can feel very good.


Through my counselling training and practice I have come to recognise and value the human need for connection to self and others,and I believe human connection to be very healing. 


If you are feeling lost, uncertain or are struggling to find meaning in life you may be feeling disconnected from yourself or from others.  This loss of contact with yourself, your needs, beliefs and values, may erode your trust in your ability to  form meaningful relationships and attain personal goals.


A therapeutic relationship can offer the opportunity to find renewed belief in yourself and in others. It can help to provide self confidence, enabling clearer decision making and the ability to begin to live life in a more meaningful and satisfying way. Trust is absolutely essential in this type of relationship and I offer security, sensitivity, warmth and support enabling you to build trust. 


I have trained in and practice the person centred approach to counselling. This is based on the theory and philosophy of Dr Carl Rogers. My approach is non directive and non-judgemental, as I fundamentally believe in your potential and ability to make the right choices for you, regardless of my own values, beliefs and ideas. My role is to walk beside you as you figure things out, offering you all of my humanity, my honesty, integrity and soul. 


my background

My background is in nursing and as a qualified nurse I worked within the NHS for over twenty years. I am currently employed by Derby University as a Senior lecturer in Counselling and Psychotherapy. 


I started my counselling training in 2005, and since then I have completed a Certificate in Counselling (ABC Awards), a first class honours degree in Humanistic Counselling, a Masters Degree in Trauma Studies, both from the University of Nottingham and a Postgraduate Diploma in person centred counselling of children and young people from Tenemos, Sheffield. I am qualified in supervision of other counsellors, with a Diploma in Supervision from Counselling Xtra, where I studied with Mike Worrall and Linda Smith.


Prior to commencing private practice I was a volunteer counsellor for 4 years for ISAS (Incest and Sexual Abuse Survivors) Nottingham, and I worked as a volunteer counsellor and board member for Counselling Xtra, Nottingham for 3 years. 


I have experience of working with a range of client problems including bereavement, anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, domestic violence, childhood sexual abuse, gender and sexuality issues, low self-esteem and identity issues, illness and ageing, bullying and harrassment, and post traumatic stress.


I have always had a special interest in researching and  working with individuals and couples following the trauma of miscarriage and stillbirth.


I am committed to continuing education and development, and have attended further training in creative techniques, mindfulness, bereavement and loss, working with children and adolescents, childhood sexual abuse, group therapy, eating disorders, Depression, Suicide, sexuality, and Focusing.


I have attended child and vulnerable  adult  safeguarding training. I have a current DRB certificate and I am an accredited member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). 





Tel. 07773 010498






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